Monday, June 20, 2016


Summer has finally arrived, well, I live in Miami so it is basically Summer all year round but hey, it's still good to be able to celebrate. Today is June 20th and not only does it mark the first day of Summer, but for me, it marks the first day of my "Clean for 42 Days" policy. What's that about? Don't mind me while I explain. I ladies and gentlemen, consider myself to be quite the heavy drinker. While I do not indulge in any other social activities, I refuse to mention, there is nothing that makes my social setting more interesting than a nice vodka pineapple, vodka cranberry, shoot, vodka anything. Unfortunately, however, not only do those sweet little temptations tend to make my nights, but they have appeared to make my midsection EXPLODE! So for the next 42 days, I am on a NO DRINKING restriction.

 Why 42 days you ask? Well to be honest, I have a wedding that I am attending August 4th and the celebration festivities commence the 3rd so I am going to be realistic and say that I will make-up for some lost alcoholic consumption time that week but prior to, I must get into this amazing dress I have my eyes and heart set on. While absolutely no one is going to be giving the beautiful bride and her dashing groom competition that evening, I at least want to feel fulfilled and great about myself to be able to pull something in the likes of what I am wearing off.

Nope, that's not the dress and that's not me. :-)

I wasn't always a drinker but when I started working at a bar some years ago, I grew a high tolerance to it and honestly, I hate that I did because it allowed for me to be able to consume much more than the average individual. But again, it did much damage to my body and I am sure my health. All in all, I think a drink every now and then is not a problem, however, I believe one should be smart and, of course, SAFE while drinking. In the meantime, it is nothing but water for your girl and you know what, I'm not upset about it. I lived without alcohol for about 22 years so what's 42 days right? I have faith in me, do you? Want to do the challenge with me? Didn't think so. Oh well, wish me luck from the sidelines and to a clean and healthy 42 days.

Happy 1st Day of Summer!!!

To life, to health, to fitness, to the NEW You,

Steph A.K.A. Mzs. Stiletto

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