Monday, June 27, 2016


So I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I most certainly did. Before I get started, I will remind you all about my 42 No Drinking Challenge. I want to keep you all posted on my progress and challenges. So at the end of each weekly post, I will be writing a side note titled DAYS LEFT which will let you know how much more I got left. Now onto today's post.
Not only has my nutrition been on point but I have been faithful to my fitness having completed five days strong this week. I will admit that being a good girl was not at all that difficult primarily because hubby was out of town so there were no drinking nor poor eating temptations. Unfortunately, he returned yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I am glad he is back, but the moment he got off the plane it was straight to the beach where he immediately made a stop at the liquor store and then after, we went to a cousin's house for a nice family get together. Now I come from a Cuban background and we all know what a Latin party consists of, great music, great drinks and great Foooood!!! So how'd I do?! Fantastic! I stuck to my no drinking policy regardless of my tempting surroundings and besides the small and plain vanilla ice cream I had, I did my thing fit ladies and gents. I so far am facing the challenges and with no pain but I am sure many gains.


Now I am sure you're saying, "ice cream?" Truth of the matter is, I think it was well-deserved. I had it topped with only peanuts and was guilt-free. I now have come to realize that if you've accomplished everything you wanted to accomplish during the week, if you have fought the urges, stayed consistent on both your diet and exercise regimens and are surely positive that you have given it your very BEST and nothing less, then there is nothing wrong with a little reward. I am not saying to overdo it, but try to supplement things like a Hot-Fudge Sunday with just regular vanilla ice cream (preferably frozen yogurt but if not available, just plain vanilla will do) and nuts, or maybe cinnamon, or fruit even. There is absolutely no reason why you should give up on your indulges because if you do, I guarantee that you'll have that one day where you decide to break and have them all at once then you've opened up the flood gates and going back from that is not only dissatisfying but will bring you to a depressive state. Trust me, I've lost the battle against many demons before but this time, I'm winning. Take my advice and you will be well on your way to fitness success.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week and remember, great week, gets you to a simple cheat.


To life, to health, to fitness, to the NEW You,

Steph A.K.A. Mzs. Stiletto

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