Sunday, April 24, 2016


I haven't always been into my weight, much rather, I have always been obsessed with it. Having been a longtime cheerleader, I was always quite active. My day typically consisted of school, practice, home and on the weekends, competition. Although I barely had time for a social life, I had much room in my belly for the fast food I nowadays can't even smell without putting on a pound. I remember weighing 115 pounds rock solid and still I looked for something wrong. What was I thinking?! I didn't exactly put on the Freshman 15 after I got out of high school because I picked up dancing professionally in order to supplement for the cheerleading, yet even still, I had to be certain that I monitored myself. Here's me then:

Fitness has never been the struggle for me. I actually love to workout. It's the nutrition that makes me cringe. A life without ice cream, pizza, cheese and ohhhh there's so much more, is a life not worth living. Or so I thought. Another issue for me is consistency. I can be working out hardcore for like 3 weeks straight, and the second results start making its way to me, one missed day turns into two, two to three, and well you catch my drift right? I remember having had an aneurysm at about 22 years old. It was the scariest time of my entire life.  There I was laying in an ICU hospital bed and telling myself "this is not it for me." Thanks be it was not. As soon as I was cleared by the doc I headed straight to a fitness center, signed myself up and got to work. For about a year or so I was killing it when suddenly, my then boyfriend now husband entered my life.  It didn't matter though because as quickly as I took off the pounds and put them back on was as quickly as they shredded again. Oh the glory of a 20 something year old metabolism. Suddenly, one day, IT ALL CHANGED!!!. 

August 16, 2012, the day I turned 30. One would have thought that my metabolism said "STOPPPPPP!!!!" Anything and everything I put into my system stuck. Any and every workout I did became harder to get through and even harder to work. Every picture that I took bared a fake smile, every time I hung out with friends I was miserable inside. It affected my relationships, my ambition, my life. I remember one time going to a boutique's event. The designer had dresses for my friends and I to try on. There they were fitting in size 4 dresses while I was barely getting into a 10. The designer looked at me and said "sorry but I don't have your size." I laughed it off when in reality I had to fight back the tears and my girlfriends didn't even know. 

NOOOO!!! Not the chubby cheeks!

My husband and I. Of course he smiles being able to eat like a pig while maintaining a small frame without ever even hitting a treadmill. 

For the most part, I was able to get some weight off but it wasn't much and I tell myself today that no more tears, only strength. I have finally now, just 4 months shy of my 34th birthday realized that something has got to change. Me now:

Not bad but seeking to trim a bit more off the edges and add on some definition.

My up and down eating habits, my occasional binge drinking, my one week strong at the gym followed by one week of relaxation when I haven't even reached my goal, it needs to end. Here's the thing, I have come to realize that change is for good. It is not for now, it is forever. Permanency is key. If you want to maintain, you have to get accustomed to the fact that fitness and nutrition are lifestyle changes. I now feel awakened. Either way, I am not saddened by my failures for it is because of them that I have learned and will do different. 

In my upcoming posts you will see my complete transformation. How far I can get. From eating tips, to the use of my TASTE Ladies Fitness Program, a series of three different dance combinations; Hardcore, Bum Burner and my own personal favorite, The BurleXXX Workout. This blog is not just to inspire myself, it is to inspire you to be better, be different and forever. I hope my journey can help you have your awakening moment as well because the rewards, are simply...GRAND. 

To life, to health, to fitness, to the NEW You, 

Steph A.K.A. Mzs. Stiletto

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